What a bloody cheeky little beer this is. Pours a very pale yellow, almost champagne like, but wow what a great taste. This can was recommended by the Robin Hood Hotel bottlo for brewsbuzz as a “must try” alternative to my favourite go to always rely on session ale, the mighty Four Pines pale. Normans Australian Ale now sits pride of place right beside my beloved Pinesy and here’s why. It’s unashamedly bloody easy to drink, they have mischievously mixed pilsner malts with pale hops giving it a velvety smoothness with the citrusy hops you expect from a good pale. It’s pure genius. It’s not designed to challenge your palette or set any trends like some of the IPAs, it’s just a smooth flavoursome almost flawless session ale. Will be seeing you again very soon big norman. For those that love can art its design is pretty epic!
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