The boys from Riverside Brewing Company quietly go about their business away from the glitz and glammer of the Sydney craft beer strong-holds of the Northern Beaches and inner-west, brewing high quality beer in western Sydney’s capital, Parramatta. All of the beers I’ve had from Riverside have been tasty, but none more than their big (7.7% ABV) American style IPA.
Appearance 4/5
Aroma 7/10
Taste 8/10
Palate 4/5
Overall 14/20
Bottle. Copper with an attractive off white creamy head and strong lacing. Suffers slightly from an underwhelming aroma, although it improves as it warms up in the glass, displaying nutty malts, earth and resin hops. A huge, fresh hop punch hits the front of the palate, intertwining resinous pine, grapefruit and earth. Balance is provided through a massive biscuit malt background with some slight sweetness to the mid to back palate. Some warming alcohol towards the end of the middle palate, but it isn’t too harsh and doesn’t overly detract. Long lasting bitterness cleans it all up, a great quality in such a big beer.
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