Last night of winter means one thing. Stout. I’ve still got plenty in the cellar to get me through the odd cool September night, but I’d been looking forward to the Pirate Life version for a while. And it didn’t disappoint. This is a proper stout – rich, smooth mouthfeel, with plenty of roastiness and bitterness. With beer like this I wish winter would never end.
Can. Deep black with a thick, bubbly mocha head that dissipates, but laces well. Reasonably subdued aromas of dark chocolate, roasted malt, espresso, earthy hops and just a hint of grog. The flavour profile steps up a gear, rammed full of dark chocolate, dry roasty malts, a hint of espresso, bitter earth hops (60 IBU if you don’t mind) and just a tinge of citrus. The oats provide a deliciously full mouthfeel. You don’t notice the 7.2% ABV until you get towards the end of the 500mL can. Pour me another please. My new ‘go to’ stout and an awesome can design.
Appearance: 4/5
Aroma: 7/10
Flavour: 9/10
Palate: 4/5
Overall: 16/20
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