I must admit, I’m not a huge Session IPA fan. I’m not sure whether it’s the lack of malt that often creates a hollowness in the middle or whether I’d just prefer a good pale ale or even a gose if I’m going to drink multiples. In any case I’m sure we’re safe in the hands of IPA Kings, Modus Operandi.
I reviewed this in two seperate settings. One as a beer nerd, trying to identify and dissect the various elements. It was good but lacked a bit of complexity, with an ever so slight hollowness. The second was how nature intended, in front of the cricket with good company, being slammed back cold. Delicious. Thanks for sharing @biglinx. The review is a mix match of both.
Can. Solid melon, citrus and stone fruit with a good balancing caramel. Quite dry and pronounced hops with citrus and pine being the predominant flavours. It lacks the balancing malt through the middle but has a lick on the end to let you know it’s been carefully put together. Another please!!
Appearance 4/5
Aroma 8/10
Flavour 7/10
Palate 3/5
Overall 14/20
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