@saucebrewing O Cascadia is, as the name would suggest, a Cascadian Black Ale. Cascadia, as Wikipedia tells me, is an actual proposed nation (you learn something new everyday), loosely combining British Columbia 🇨🇦Washington and Oregon🇺🇸, based on political and environmental notions that the Federal government is eastern state motivated. The movement is gaining a bit of traction at the moment with the spray tanned hair hat in charge in Washington DC. The area incidentally grows 40% of the worlds hops, hence the attachment of the name to a hop filled beer. Often called a Black IPA, this beer isn’t that. It’s richer, roastier, drier, but bloody hoppy at the same time. I would describe it as being closer to a really hoppy porter.
While this may have been one of Sauce’s limited release winter beers, it’s been lurking around at the back of my fridge for a couple of months and Sydney has been unseasonally cool the last few days. Seemed like as good a reason as any to crack it.
Can. Pours black with a dense cappuccino coloured head that retains and laces well. Aromas of heavy dark chocolate, hints of coffee, dark caramel, pine and grassy hops. Aggressive pine bitterness up front moves into a smooth dark chocolate, roasted, nutty middle and strong pine bitterness, with drying tannins to finish. The balance and integration of hop/dark malt really improved as it warmed slightly in the glass.
3.7/5. Trent.
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