The moment I started seeing the @bridgeroadbrewers Nitro Mountain Lager I was intrigued. The mixed concepts of smooth nitro, the connotation of winter and lager didn’t seem to work in my mind, so I only bought one to try. How wrong I was. Drunk on a cool afternoon overlooking a range in the back of the Blue Mountains, the nitro pour mixed perfectly with the soft, elegant malts and subtle hops. Like any good Vienna Lager it remains relatively dry and crisp on the finish, increasing its drinkability. I hope I can find some more. I’ve been told there’s not many left.
Can. Pours a deep amber with reddish tinges, and a delightfully rich, frothy white head. Subtle aromas of citrus (orange and mandarin), floral notes and stone fruits (peach, nectarine and apricot). Light caramel and toffee sweetness, with hints of citrus and stone fruit and a crisp, spicy/grassy hoppiness. Deliciously smooth on nitro. Subtle, yet beautifully drinkable.
3.8/5. Trent.
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