The masters of French/Belgian farmhouse beers have put their mark on the ubiquitous pale ale, with the Farmhouse Style Urban Pale. This is no “wrap some caramel malt around some American hops” and hope for the best number though. These blokes are artisans, and their house yeast is used to create an altogether more interesting beer. I read they ran out just before Christmas, so I hope supply is up and running again, because I’m looking for a pale ale to fill my fridge by the case and this beer might just be the solution.
Can. Pours cloudy gold with thin, well retained head. Fruity, estery aromas, filled with passionfruit, lychee, orange and floral elements. Upfront bitterness from pine and orange pith, followed by a touch of citrus sourness. Unusually it moves toward a fruity, estery sweetness and finishes dry, with plenty of grass and pepper.
3.7/5. Trent.
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