@bridgeroadbrewers barrel/wild beer project @maydayhills are often hard to find in Sydney, so I was very excited when my local independent beer shop @lugarnocellars stocked the latest incarnation – Brettanomyces Blood Orange Saison. Each beer combines a different (generally European) style with fruit, ageing in oak foeder’s and introduction of the delightful wild yeast, Brettanomyces. Blood orange is a perfect addition to a Saison (a style Bridge Road have been making for ever), which often displayed citrusy elements. The 100% Brettanomyces Ale Fermented With Raspberries (a sour IPA) is still my favourite, but this version is very good as well. Can’t wait for the next instalment now!! Bottle. Pours light straw, with a slight orange hue, good clarity despite a little bit of haze and a minimal white head. Funky, horsey Brett aromas, along with the saison notes of leather, honey and pepper. A lot drier than Bridge Road’s regular saison, presumably through the Brett influence. Woody elements at the front palate, with licks of funkiness, grass, spicy hops and the bitter/sweet, zesty blood orange to finish.
3.8/5. Trent @bridgeroadsyd
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