Unfortunately I don’t speak much Swedish so I can’t tell you too much about Poppels Bryggeri other than their website asks if you’re 25! What are the youth of Sweden doing if they can’t drink beer until 25? In any case I found this cool little bottle on the shelves at Leura Cellars and had to give it a try.
Bottle. Pours a golden/orange, with a thin white head and good, strong lacing. Fruity aromas of pineapple, passionfruit, melon and stone fruit. Quite a sweet caramel and bread malt backing, supported by melon and stone fruit and a touch of resin to finish. As it warms some earthy hops develop. There’s a moderate bitterness that build towards the end, but it’s slightly too sweet for me.
Appearance 4/5
Aroma 7/10
Flavour 7/10
Palate 4/5
Overall 13/20
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