Yullis Pineapple Pilsener from the boys in the inner west. They are consistently producing fantastic beers and not afraid to venture into uncharted territory, should also congratulate them on their soon to open(?) brewery.
I trust Sam from the RHH bottlo, he has a reasonable palate, however he knows I’m not a pils fan. But I’m always happy to try new things and the idea of putting pineapple in a pils got me excited.
Pours a crisp clear pub squash yellow with a fantastic frothy head. Some good lacing with an abv of 4.5% it’s quite refreshing. You get the light crisp Pilsener mouthfull up front with a very subtle pineapple back end.
It’s great, like really really great and it’s a pils…. There’s a reason I voted the Nathan in my top 3 this year, Yullis consistently makes fantastic beer. I will definitely be buying this again. Cheers!
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