Kaiju! Beer, a favourite of BrewsBuzz for their ridiculously hopped beers and crazy ass artwork. Their GABS 2018 Spacium Ray IPA made Tim’s top 5 (and only missed mine by a point). The Cthulhu On the Moon Black IPA is one of their original beers, developed when the two Kaiju! brothers were making home brew for mates. It’s been a while since one of their beers has been reviewed by BrewsBuzz, but watch this space, I’ve got a few more tucked away on the cellar shelf to be drunk over the next month or so, including the Cthulhu’s big brother, Where Lies the Behemoth.
Can. Pours black with just a tinge of brown around the edges, along with a thick cappuccino head. Delicious aromas of dark chocolate, toffee and a pepper and citrus flower hop background. Firm upfront bitterness full of pepper, pine and grapefruit belies the soft hops in the aroma. Well backed by very dark chocolate, heavily roasted malts, espresso and toffee. Slightly overcarbonated, but not terribly, so just let it sit.
3.9/5. Trent
Appearance 4/5
Aroma 9/10
Flavour 8/10
Palate 3/5
Overall 15/20
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