Wine, my second alcoholic vice, has drawn me out to the beautiful NSW Central West town of Orange several times. With the introduction of small humans, it’s been years since I’ve been on an indulgent trip like that however, and @badlandsbrewery wasn’t around on my last trip. It has been brewing in Orange since 2010 though, which is a long time in the Australian craft beer scene. I’m surprised I haven’t had more of their beers, especially if they’re up to the standard of the Jaxon Red IPA. While this is a style I love, it’s a very good version too. Thanks to my brother and sister-in-law for bringing this one back from the brewery after a recent trip 🍻. Can. Pours a deep bronze, with a frothy, finger width of well retained, off white head and heavy lacing. Earthy hop aromas, with a touch of pine cone, grapefruit, toffee malts and bready notes. Firm, upfront grapefruit bitterness, which moves into deliciously earthy hops, a dark toffee middle and long, bitter grapefruit finish.
3.8/5. Trent
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