I’ve never actually had any of Melbourne gypsy brewers @oldwivesalesbeer, but their name may well be my favourite. The Simpson’s reference in the ‘Old Man Yells At Cloud Double NEIPA’ for a teen of the 90’s brings on a little chuckle as well. Famous for their original NEIPA, here comes the big brother, weighing in at 9%. I’m hoping some of their single hop kettle soured pale ales end up in my local bottle shop.
Can. Pours a hazy straw/orange colour with a small white head and moderate lacing. Tropical fruit aromas (pineapple, mango, papaya), along with orange and mandarin, pine and a touch of grog lurking in the shadows. Big hop flavours, showcasing mango, grass, pine and spiciness, but only moderately bitter. A touch of hot alcohol towards the finish. Beautiful rich mouthfeel.
3.7/5. Trent.
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