A collaboration between @beercartel and @twobirdsbrewing for the beer cartel beer advent calendar (yes, I bought mine after Christmas and am drinking the beers at my own pace), this is a ramped up version of the Two Birds Taco, which has lime, corn and coriander in it. And just like their previous double take on a core beer (The Double Sunset), I think it’s better!! In a world obsessed with hops, head brewer @brewerjayne really understands malt, and uses the silky smooth, slightly sweet caramel flavours of Joe White Traditional Ale to balance the lime, corn and coriander and grassy, rye like hops. I think Beer Cartel still have some available, so get on board while it’s still fresh.
Bottle. Pours hazy gold, with a thick, well retained frothy white head and heavy lacing. A difficult aroma to deconstruct, with dough like malts, lime juice, corn and a hint of coriander. Quite aggressive up front lime freshness, moving into a sweetish, smooth caramel malt and corn middle, with a moderately bitter, spicy/grassy hop finish. The alcohol is hidden immaculately, just reminding you at the end that it’s a big beer (7% abv). 4/5. Trent.
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