Funky Pineapple Hand Grenade Brett IPA from Wayward Brewing, a Brett fermented west coast style IPA. Been very much looking forward to this, west coast IPA is me in a nut shell, aggressive hops, strong bitterness and a citrus note in the mouthfeel. Brett or Brettanomyces yeast is all the rage at the moment and with good reason, it gives a really fresh crisp dry back of the throat which in my experience has worked really well with sours and fruit beers. This however is a different animal and the topic of a big conversation with adam from @platinum_liquor.
Pours a golden pineapple gold with a strong frothy white head, strong pineapple on the nose with a hint of citrus. Definitely get the pineapple, hint of mango, no peach and typical IPA hops round out the citrus back end. I must say, very daring using Brettanomyces yeast in a west coast IPA. It tastes unusual but not necessarily in a bad way. I love west coast, I love Brett and I love pineapple so I’m very happy with the flavours. I’m not entirely sure they marry perfectly from a technical point of view but hey sometimes a good beer just tastes great, we aren’t all master cicerones. Good job pete.
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